Kelly's Ordinary People Podcast
Kelly's Ordinary People is a 30-90 minute measure of inspiration hosted by Kelly Gurski. Kelly is a domestic violence campaigner, volunteer, animal lover, speaker, police officer, ultra trail runner and mother to 6 adult children (4 adopted). Kelly wants to shine the light on the ordinary people of the world who do extraordinary things by sharing great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons; starting with one friend at a time.
32 episodes
#30 Domestic Violence and RizeUp; A co-share with Power, Strength and Vulnerability - Shane Kelton
Thanks so much to Shane for getting me out of my podcast hiatus and being brave enough to ask the questions about Dv that I am sure many of you have. Trigger warning*** This episode has conversations about my own experience with d...
Season 2
Episode 30

Education can unlock prison doors
It's been a little while between poddys for me, but today I talk to my new friend Marcia Miller. I met Marcia whilst holidaying in New Zealand recently. She is just one of those amazing people who is smart, caring, giving and blesse...
Season 2
Episode 31

The Wondai Country Running Festival
After our epic Warwick Pentathrun hit, Heidi and I drag Phil and Leigh along with us to another running festival. This time we head to Wondai. The South Burnett area holds a special place in my heart and I not only got to run, but got to ...
Season 1
Episode 30
How will Andy be without Hamish?
In this episode it's just me again. Talking about the Warwick Pentathrun, a running event I did with some friends that consisted of a 4.6k cross country run, 21k road run, 5k road run, 10k hilly road run and a 1.5k road run. I also ...
Season 1
Episode 29

Kelly goes solo
It’s just little ole me chatting about stuff., by myself.I look at some old Instagram posts and quotes and unpack the meaning behind them.I am actually surprised I could talk that long about nothing really.Enjoy x
Season 1
Episode 28

Bestfriends go op shopping!
Alright, I admit it, the idea of recording my best friend and I whilst op shopping together was done on a whim and it may not be the best audio, but by geez there are some pearler comments in this podcast. I actually surprise myself with ...
Season 1
Episode 27

Grief; the lasting companion
Wow! What a great talk this one is. I sit down with my new friend Katrina Preisler-Weller and we talk about our mums, both of whom have long since passed. And we talk about dying and death and funerals and how grief ne...
Season 1
Episode 26

A lesson for Ed Sheeran
This week I have 2.5 (ok 3) special guests. Jo Doyle and Andy McLean are like Dayboro’s very own celebrity couple. Probably should call them Joey or Anjo…. What a fun podcast this one is. I should know I have ...
Season 1
Episode 25

Me and my favourite blonde haired, blue eyed guy!
This week I have a little catch up with my favourite blonde haired, blue eyed guy, my darling 21 year old son Rylan Gurski.There’s a bit of dog barking, I couldn’t edit all of it out, otherwise it would be a blank poddy.We talk wo...
Season 1
Episode 24
Not just a teacher; An inspiration
This week I chat to my friend Alish Conley. When I and my high needs kids met Alish at the school she was teaching at; she had been teaching for 15 years. We walked in and turned her teaching world upside down!!! She ...
Season 1
Episode 23
The above average-average athlete
Last week I had no podcast to give after a guest fell through, this week I have powered through with my amazing friend Heidi Storer.Heidi is a recent recruit to my friendship circle and is one hell of a human. A mum to 4, a grandm...
Season 1
Episode 22

The 5 Foot Personal Protection Specialist
The 5 Foot Personal Protection SpecialistThis week I talk to my friend Erin Cash. I have had to heavily edit this one because she has NO FILTER (soo good); sorry for the dodgey editing and interludes!Erin retired from the Copper...
Season 1
Episode 21

Everyday lessons from an everyday elite athlete
This week I chat to my friend Angela Woodward (Nee Kennedy). Ang was in the Australian swim team for 10 years in the 1990s. I call Ang “Rings” (Olympic Rings) because she went to the Olympics. She’s the only person I kn...
Season 1
Episode 20

The Kelly Monologue on “Iso”
This week’s episode is me rabbiting on each day about my week in “iso” after my 18 year old daughter got “The Vid” and our household went into lockdown.I had my darling friend Erin lined up for the next episode, but despite our best att...
Season 1
Episode 19

A Voice Like a Calming Lullaby
When you meet Lizzie Dart, there is a beauty about her, sure her outside package is stunning, but that is not where her beauty radiates from, there’s something super special about her as a human.I didn’t know much about Lizzie at all go...
Season 1
Episode 18

Best friends talk nature and vision boards
Another good ole chin wag with my lifelong bestie “V”.This eppy kind of turns into her interviewing me. She wanted to deep dive on some stuff I scratched the surface on when I had a cry whilst podcasting on another episode.
Season 1
Episode 17

Riding on my coat tails through the pearly gates!
My friend Sally Brouwer is my guest this episode.Sally is dry and witty with a heart as big as a giant watermelon. She can pack an awful lot into one little podcast. She is a mum to teenage triplets, a former copper...
Season 1
Episode 16

The Mystery of the Missing Pie Crust
In this episode I talk to my friend and author TJ (Terese Jones). I took my roving microphone to TJ's home, so there's a couple of grumbles in the audio along the way.We talk about lots of things, but most importantly TJ's...
Season 1
Episode 15

Corporate Tutus
In this episode I talk to my friend Allana Bianchi.Allana is engaging and funny with a laugh that is contagious.She explains the difference between corporate and running tutus, it’s an interesting delineation.She is also a ...
Season 1
Episode 14
I hope you have a wonderful time in jail
In this episode I talk to my friend Robyn Night. Robyn had her name and address posted on adult and social media websites with her face superimposed on pictures of women carrying out sexual acts.Words such as "here for your pleasu...
Season 1
Episode 13

That one time my boobs turned on me
That one time my boobs turned on me…Don’t be mistaken, this is not just about my boobs, it’s about running, but I will tell you about that one time I was borderline septic because my boobs had an infection.I will regale you...
Season 1
Episode 12
Too Stubborn to Die
In this episode I talk to my friend Sharnelle Harris (formerly Cole). Shar refutes the term hero, even though she has earned herself a bravery award, one of the highest honours any police officer can receive. She prefers to think of...
Season 1
Episode 11

Spiteful Ambition
In this episode I was pretty keen to talk with my daughter Savanah. She was a bit tired and distracted, so the first part of the poddy was like pulling teeth. She was looking for any opportunity to not be there! Second part of...
Season 1
Episode 10

A Different Stroke
Marney is a softly spoken country gal from Dayboro. But don’t let her soft demeanour fool you, she is one tough cookie.Marney met her perfect match husband in 1996 when she was 18 and they formed a life long partnership, rai...
Season 1
Episode 9

Some Women are Lost in the Fire. Some Women are Built From it.
In this episode I talk to my brand new friend Tiana King. Tiana and I met as cast members on location for the filming of Adventure All Stars. Tiana was quiet when I first met her, shy and appeared naive, by the end of one wee...
Season 1
Episode 8