Kelly's Ordinary People Podcast

Everyday lessons from an everyday elite athlete

Kelly Gurski Season 1 Episode 20

This week I chat to my friend Angela Woodward (Nee Kennedy).  Ang was in the Australian swim team for 10 years in the 1990s.
I call Ang “Rings” (Olympic Rings) because she went to the Olympics.  She’s the only person I know that went to the Olympics and she won a medal.  She used to carry shame with that medal though and how she won it. 

Ang and her coach Peter Freney of the Telopea Club pioneered and perfected an under water  kick that literally propelled her career  in butterfly.
Rings is a super wonderful human being.  She’s a wife, a mum to two teenage boys and a step mum too.
Rings was a copper, is now a teacher and shares some pretty inspirational stuff about goal setting and how she has overcome her Olympic silver medal-shame from 1996.
Her post swimming career was nearly eclipsed by a roller derby career, but she was lacking one thing that held her back in this domain.
This was one of my most favourite chats with a person who was quite a reluctant participant initially.  I reckon you are gonna fall in love with this little Aussie Olympic Teacher!!
Check out her Instagram:

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