Kelly's Ordinary People Podcast

The above average-average athlete

Kelly Gurski Season 1 Episode 22

Last week I had no podcast to give after a guest fell through, this week I have powered through with my amazing friend Heidi Storer.

Heidi is a recent recruit to my friendship circle and is one hell of a human.  A mum to 4, a grandmother (yikes), a wife to a very patient man, an above average-average runner, a PT and a really fun yet sensible friend.

We dive deep on teenage pregnancy, family bonds and unconditional love. As well as a little bit about running (of course).  This eppy was going to be called “The Old Mole Patrol” because that’s how we refer to ourselves when we run after being affectionately  named “The Old Moles” by our running “Old Mate”; Jim.  I however opted for maturity instead.  Naturally.

Heidi’s PT business can be found here: and here

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